Labour Commissioner (Ag.)

Kelvin Pacquette
Deputy Labour Commissioner (Ag.)

Naomi Tuitt
Senior Executive Officer
Labour Division
Division of Labour
The Division of Labour is the Government’s agency for Labour and Industrial Relations and is governed by the Labour Standards Act Chapter 89:05 of the 2017 Revised Laws of Dominica. The general work of the Division is also guided by sixteen (16) pieces of labour legislation and four other related legislations; as well as twenty-six (26) Ratified International Labour Conventions. Headed by the Labour Commissioner and assisted by the Deputy Labour Commissioner, Labour Officers and other support staff, the fundamental functions are that of labour policy and administration and matters of occupational health and safety. Among its diverse responsibilities, the Division executes Alternative Dispute Resolution (conciliation, mediation and negotiation), counselling and advisory services to the public on matters pertaining to employers and employees.
The Division is also responsible for the processing of applications for Citizenship by Registration and Naturalization, Permanent Residence, Work Permits, Residence Permits and CARICOM Nationals Skills Recognition Certificates. Some of the other functions involve recruitment and screening of farm workers for participation in the Canada Caribbean Seasonal Agriculture Workers Program (CCSAWP) and recruitment of workers for employment in non-agricultural programs in Canada, including hotels, restaurants and factories.
Citizenship and Naturalization: Citizenship of the Commonwealth of Dominica can be obtained by decent where an applicant is of Dominican parentage, by Naturalization through virtue of residence or by marriage to a Dominican national. As the Government entity responsible for the processing of applications for Citizenship by registration and Naturalization, the Ministry will be diligent in this undertaking.
Work and Residence Permits: The Government is cognizant that non-citizens are desirous of residing or engaging in work in Dominica and promotes gainful employment opportunities as well as the development and utilization of available manpower resources. Upon meeting requirements, the Ministry of Labour will process and issue such permits.
Industrial Relations: It is critical to advance the welfare of all workers and to ensure fair and humane work conditions and terms of employment. The Ministry will endeavor to preserve industrial peace and encourage economic development for all by promoting harmonious, equitable and stable employment relations and ensuring that local laws and international standards and practices are respected.
Labour and Productivity: Growth in labour productivity is the key to higher standards of living since a country can sustain real wage increases without losing competitiveness, only if labour productivity also grows. The Ministry will continue to work diligently to promote local legislation and International Labour Standards and Occupational Health and Safety practices in work places in Dominica in order to facilitate economic development for all. Moreover, to enable job creation, social protection, and improvement in social dialogue, the Government of Dominica has embraced the “Decent Work” concept which was Developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and promoted by the International Labour Office. This concept promotes decent work for all which is achieved through four strategic objectives namely: job creation, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue.
Recruitment of Workers: The Ministry through the Division of Labour will continue to facilitate the critical function of recruitment and screening of farm workers for participation in the Canada Caribbean Seasonal Agriculture Workers Program (CCSAWP) and recruitment of workers for employment in non-agricultural programs in Canada, including hotels, restaurants and factories. Established in Canada in 1966, the CCSAWP was designed to address short-term labour shortages in the Canadian Market and during the intervening period hundreds of Dominicans have successfully travelled and have been employed, of which many have become model ambassadors for Dominica.
Trade Disputes: Inevitably, conflicts and grievances of one kind or other will arise and trade dispute may materialize at the workplace. The industrial relations system aims to provide a harmonious relationship between employers and employees in order to promote continuous productivity. The Ministry serves as the regulatory body to address industrial workplace disputes by engaging in Conciliation or Alternative Dispute Resolution through the Industrial Relations Tribunal.
Trade Unions: Trade Unions are an integral part of the employment environment as they encourage opportunities in the work place through collective bargaining. Their role is inescapable, therefore the Division of Labour will continue to work closely with them as they remain a very significant social partner.